Message for office tenants:
This article related to Northern California, but may be relevant to your market also.
from Real Estate Forum :
"Do a deal as soon as possible, or you may lose the space you want.
And be prepared to pay higher rents. Tenants are about to experience `sticker shock' in the coming months. Construction costs are at all-time highs and to replicate the assets that we have is very expensive. Rental rates are not going to stay static; they are on the move and they are going to move dramatically. Tenants must move quickly or they are going to lose the opportunity."
from July 31, 2006
"…remember this was spoken by a landlord, but many of us representing Northern California office tenants fear this same trend is coming our way. However, we have seen some landlords much too aggressive in their pricing, raising asking rents too high too soon, while at the same time, there are tenants out there overly ambitious in their lease concession requests. It is often up to the astute brokers on each side to bring market reality into the picture."