Friday, July 27, 2007

What do Corp. R.E. Executives Think???

"Corporate real estate executives at 16 major corporations across a range of industries were queried about the use and role of real estate in their companies. The findings were consistent with experience in prior-years surveys, but unexpected in 3 areas:

1. The main issue that corporate real estate groups
face in leading-edge companies is at the business-unit level more than the senior corporate level, e.g. participation in critical planning processes, meetings and key decision making.

2. The need for flexibility has become paramount
because of the rapid pace of change of all types in global companies, and local and regional companies. The real estate group is challenged to respond to change, but also to proactively work with the business executives on the real estate implications of change, considering both a financial flexibility component and a physical flexibility component.

3. The needs of the real estate groups to use their
service providers more effectively, as they outsource or partner more of the real estate function. There is a critical need for corporate real estate groups to strengthen their capabilities in both capturing and analyzing strategic metrics as well as property metrics.

Business real estate is the real estate that is used by business to carry out their mission and strategy.

Real estate business is the plan, design, finance, market, develop, build, manage and ultimately recycle of the real estate." fro more information see;